Johny Lipurnomo from Custom World (CW) game popular with his hand over the paint tools. His work is scattered from 1999 to 2002. Innovative themes bongsor always produced men of this stature.
Play also attracted body modification. Slowly but surely, his great work appeared in two 2008 Yamaha Cuzztomatic Region IV, Bandung, May. "Curious, too x-treme class. This prestigious class," said Johny headquartered in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.
Unlike much as the previous concept of the dominant bolt-on. Obviously, this is quite a surprise connoisseurs make modifications to the country. Arguably the leading concept for Mio Soul.
Why say that the concept of leading? Clearly, because Johnny is more concentration into a futuristic ride. Bodywork design lines sharp and decisive. However, traits may be lost baseball Mio Soul.
Hence, the main light is maintained. "The point is to make low rider's future. Unfortunately, there are parts that have not been completed," said a fan of satay Blora, Central Java.
Indeed, the concept has been worked out leading builder of this bespectacled neatly. The accuracy of detail is almost perfect. Bolts and nuts made striped baseball. Pokoke pristine. But the total settlement that has not disrupt the overall design concept.
Compare the same motor concept that was displayed several exhibitions in Indonesia or abroad. Handlebar instrument panel remain closed if the concept is likely to lead to mass produced. "Now, that is why I use a Visor. This is not finished," said Johny who make sketches and affairs of the body to Agus Djanuar, builder Purwokerto, Central Java.
Even so, the motor baseball draft is completed. The draft should have the possibility to use dipikirin on the highway. Like the Yamaha MT-OS, the concept of muscle sport bike that was introduced during the Tokyo Motor Show 2006.
That is, modifications that lead to the motor is designed with the concept must also keep thinking what if it will be used daily. Likelihood estimate of the energy produced by the same motor body that has changed. Including, new components added. Forefront of this concept may
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